widget library Null safety
Based on the Widget library in the Flutter SDK.
This library contains widgets part of the Flutter SDK.
- AspectRatio
- Card
- Center
- Checkbox
- Chip
- CircularProgressIndicator
- ClipOval
- ClipRect
- ClipRRect
- Column
- ConstrainedBox
- Container
- CustomScrollView
- CustomWidget
- DataTable
- DefaultTabController
- DefaultTextStyle
- Divider
- DropdownButtonFormField
- ElevatedButton
- ElevatedButtonIcon
- Expanded
- ExpansionTile
- FilledButton
- FilledButtonIcon
- FilledTonalButton
- FilledTonalButtonIcon
- FittedBox
- Flex
- Flexible
- FloatingActionButton
- FloatingActionButtonExtended
- Form
- FractionallySizedBox
- GestureDetector
- GridTile
- GridView
- Icon
- IconButton
- IgnorePointer
- Image
- InkWell
- InputDatePickerFormField
- InteractiveViewer
- LinearProgressIndicator
- ListTile
- ListView
- ListViewCustom
- Magnifier
- Material
- MaterialApp
- MaterialButton
- NestedScrollView
- NetworkWidget
- Offstage
- Opacity
- OutlinedButton
- OutlinedButtonIcon
- Padding
- Placeholder
- PlatformWidget
- PopupMenuButton
- Positioned
- RepaintBoundary
- ResponsiveWidget
- RichSelectableText
- RichText
- Row
- SafeArea
- Scaffold
- ScrollBar
- SelectableText
- SingleChildScrollView
- SizedBox
- SizedBoxExpanded
- SizedBoxShrink
- Spacer
- Stack
- Switch
- Tab
- TabBarView
- Table
- Text
- TextButton
- TextButtonIcon
- TextFormField
- Theme
- VerticalDivider
- Widget
- Wrap